Author: Sara Elizabeth
How to Curve Your Sugar Craving Naturally
8750If you crave sugar, then you are not alone. In fact, according to the Health Watch Clinic, the average American consumes around 152 pounds of sugar in one year. That is a lot of sugar! Although it is not surprising that so much sugar is consumed each year, considering the ...Signs You are on Track to Become Successful
13221Ever wonder if you are on track to become successful? You are not alone. Life is full of a million little decisions that make up a path of where you end up. On the long road of life filled with so many choices, it’s easy to feel lost in our ...Signs You are Surrounded by Good People
13530Having good people in your life is a blessing. These are the people who always bring out the best in you, want to see you succeed, and have the best intentions. A solid support system includes individuals who are genuinely there for you without an alternative agenda. Finding good peeps ...The Ultimate Halloween Checklist
8580Halloween is a holiday full of candy, costumes, and fall activities. The leaves are turning, the air is crisp, and Pumpkin Spices flavoring fills the grocery store’s shelves. However, what makes the season special is the many activities that the whole family can enjoy. So if you are looking for ...Signs of a Toxic Relationship
10590Some toxic relationships can be immediately apparent, while for others, it takes years of slowly being destroyed before no longer recognizing the person in the mirror. Unhealthy relationships come in various forms- [Read also: Read Flags to Look Out for in a Relationship]. “Like arsenic, toxic people will slowly kill you. ...Worst Foods for Your Skin
5480In a world where magazines, television, and online media heavily emphasize appearance can make it stressful to live in a woman’s world. Especially as the clock ticks forward, so does the unstoppable signs of aging. Luckily, we can do a few things to help our skin look younger and healthier ...Signs You are Successful Even if You Don’t Feel Like It
8505Sometimes we’re more successful than we think. Although, going through the daily grind can make it feel like we are not close to where we want to be in life at this particular point in time. Which may hinder our ability to see how far we’ve come. Therefore, causing us ...How to Tell if You are Dating Someone Who is not Living up to their ...
11830Sometimes when we find ourselves in a new relationship, we can only see the good and people. The problem is, occasionally, there are a lot of red flags. And when red flags are heart-shaped, they may be a little hard to see. If you are wondering what signs to look ...
About Author, Sara
I am a writer for Amora V Lifestyle and co-own of Amora V Boutique. My interests include psychology, recipes, finances, personal development, and travel. I love everything outdoors, exploring different foods and cherishing moments with family. My goal with Amora V Lifestyle is to spread peace and joy through my articles.
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