Step by Step Guide on How to Reinvent Yourself

We have a step by step guide on how to reinvent yourself. So if you are looking to change your life, then you may be in the right spot. 

If you feel like packing up and moving away somewhere new, a place where you can start fresh. Just get away from the same old boring life. 

Possibly wanting to move away from drama or the negativity that surrounds you.

However, chances are, when you get to where you want to go, you will find yourself in a different place but in the same situation.

Usually, without knowledge or direction, we fall back into the same routine and hang out with familiar types of people (toxic) doing the same thing we where doing with little change. [Read also: Red Flags to Look Out for in a Relationship]

If you find the only difference is a new location with different faces, still struggling with the same problems you originally ran from. 

Chances are you are not actually reinventing yourself but rather running from your problems in hopes for change. 

Thankfully, there is no reason to move away to seek change and live the life you dream of having. Below we have a step-by-step guide on how to reinvent yourself. 

So you can become the person you always wanted to be without having to move away to start fresh. 

Understanding what you want in life and having a dream to chase will allow you to live the best version of yourself!

Why Reinvent Yourself

There are many different reasons to reinvent yourself. 

Possibly you want to achieve a particular career goal that requires you to behave and dress in a specific manner. Maybe you want to elevate your personality or lifestyle. 

Whatever the reason, it is a great thing to want to improve your overall life.

Imagine the best life you want and all it entails, then thrive towards becoming the best version of you!

To improve your life, reinventing yourself might be the best way to become the new you. You can become anyone in life you want!

In fact, improving yourself is OK and is a sign of growth. One does not need only to reinvent themselves just once; an ongoing process is OK too.

Changing yourself is a huge process and may seem overwhelming. Don’t worry. We have broken it down into a step-by-step guide on reinventing yourself.

Step 1. Visualize the Life You Want

Positive affirmations and meditation are important aspects of healthy living for a happier life. Furthermore, meditating and visualizing the life you want can help you reinvent yourself. If fact, it is one reason this made it on our list of how to reinvent yourself. Furthermore, constantly improving is a great way to be true to yourself.

The first step of reinventing yourself is determining what you want in life. 

You must ask yourself what is my dream life? The one that causes excitement to run through your body and your heart to pound uncontrollably. 

  • Is it spending the weekends at the beach with your family and getting ice cream afterward?
  • Possibly, it’s cruising around town with your convertible top down on the way to a business meeting.
  • Maybe, it’s staying home mom watching the kids, cooking, and cleaning.

The question to ask yourself is, are you living your dream life?

Once you have an idea of what you think you want in life, please take 30 minutes to an hour to meditate about it.

Sit in a comfortable position by yourself and play calming music. During this time, visualize what you want in life. 

Take the time to think about every aspect of it. Walk yourself through what the day to day would like. 

Example. If you want to own your own business, think about the day-to-day practices of business owners. Visualize what your business will look like, from the decor to the furniture. Image life down to the smallest element. Go throughout a typical day within the vision.

Don’t forget to put yourself in the middle of the visualization.

The visualization should give a better understanding of what you want in life. 

Take note of how you feel afterward. 

If you feel nothing, the vision either wasn’t strong enough, or deep down inside, your desire for your dream life is not that strong. 

If it’s not that strong, you may be conflicted between choosing multiple paths in life. 

If so, take the time to meditate each pathway you wanting to venture towards to see which gives you the most excitement.

If meditating left you feeling determined, excited, and a little scared, then likely you’ve chosen a path you are passionate about.

Step 2. Determine the Person You Want to Be

The second step on Amora V Lifestyle Step by Step Guide on How to Reinvent Yourself is being able to determine the person you want to become. 

How do you know who you want to be in life when you can be anyone you want?

Now that you know what you want in life, the next step is determining your role in it.

Per our example above, suppose your life dream is to be a stay-at-home wife with kids.

  • How you will behave. The mom from Leave it to Beaver or the Addams Family? 
  • What kind of clothes do you want to wear? 
  • Do you have a business while at home or a full time mom?

Suppose you imagine yourself driving to a meeting with the convertible top down. 

  • Who are you meeting? 
  • What is your position in your vision? 
  • Are you a buyer, CEO, or Sales Manager?
  • What products or services are you offering?

Your vision of who you want to become in life is an indication of your passion.

Visualizing yourself in the position you want to be in life helps you gain confidence to believe you can obtain that goal.

Furthermore, visualizing makes it seem less scary and more obtainable.

Additionally, seeing yourself dressing, behaving, and playing a certain position allows you to start practicing those behaviors. [Read also: Things I Wish I Knew About Life Before I was 30]

By practicing being the person you want to become helps prepare yourself for your future, leading us to the next point. 

Step 3. Get a Mentor

Suppose your vision is thriving to be someone or obtain a position entirely different from yourself, then getting a mentor is essential. 

A mentor should be someone who you thrive on being like.

According to Radical Candor, Mentors “can be a key relationship in your life and one that has the potential to impact your choices and career trajectory significantly. “

Example. Timmy just got out of college. 

He is a timid guy with aspirations to one day become the CEO of a company, except Timmy doesn’t know how to do that. 

For Timmy, it is best if he can get a CEO or Top Executive in a company to mentor him. From his mentor, Timmy can learn how to dress, his mannerisms, how to speak, and way to behave. 

This is a guide for Timmy on how to present himself as a CEO so that one day he can be taken seriously and possibly considered for a higher position.

Sometimes a vision of the person you want to become and the reality can be off. 

Find someone who you want to be like and study them closely. Ask them questions about how they got to their place in life. 

Understand why they make certain decisions and how they obtain their knowledge. 

Knowing the ins and outs of the person you thrive on being like allows you to understand them fully.

Careful when picking a mentor; Ensure their values and morals align with yours. You will want to wake up every day and have the ability to look at yourself in the mirror, feeling good about the choices you are making.

If you cannot find a mentor, the next best thing is due some research. 

Find someone to be like. It can be a character from a movie, a famous businessperson, or even an influencer. Learn as much as you can about them. Watch interviews, read biographies, or research videos on the internet.

Analyze what you like about them and ask yourself why. 

Doing this will help you understand what fascinates you, such as their personality traits, mannerisms, attire, or speech. 

If it’s their success, try to learn how they obtained it. Learn from them, and if you want to become like them, then act like it.

Some might ask, ‘Isn’t this fake? Trying to be someone you are not?’ 

At first, yes, it’s the old “fake it until you make it.” However, if it is to improve yourself and self-growth, then that’s OK.

If you want to change who you are (which is OK, as long as you are improving yourself), then faking the person you want to become is OK. 

By being someone you thrive to aspire like, then one day, you will wake up and realize you’ve become the person you’ve always dreamed of being.

Studying others may help you understand areas you want to improve in your own life. That’s great! This allows the ability for self-improvement.

Sometimes we must study others because we’ve outgrown the people around us.

Thus, causing us to look externally to find someone to continue growing and bettering ourselves.

Remember, we must step outside our comfort zone to better ourselves.

Step 4. Create a Vision Board

After visualizing your dream life and the person you want to become, it’s time to build a Vision Board so you can physically see it.

A vision board is a collection of images from the web, magazine, or newspaper placed on a poster board or regular sheet of paper.

It is a collection of ideas that determine what you want in life. It is a great way to plan a path of what you want to achieve, both short-term and long-term.

Vision Boards are a great way to visualize what you want from life and help you achieve the new you!

Hanging a vision board somewhere it can be seen daily allows a friendly reminder of the goals being worked towards daily. 

It is a great way to motivate you! Furthermore, a vision board helps minimize distractions that come along throughout life.

Step 5. Determine the Steps to Dream Life

Another step by step guide on how to reinvent yourself is planning where you want to go in life and how to get there.

Another pointer that made it on our list of how to reinvent yourself is the ability to determine the steps to obtain your dream life. 

In fact, understanding the step to achieve the life you dream may be one of the most critical steps on this list. 

Each step in a roadmap is the action item to complete and get a ‘step’ closer to achieving your dream.

Example. The goal is to become a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in 10 years. Below is a fundamental outline of creating steps toward your goal. The steps are as follows:

Step 1: Get a Degree (1-4 Years)

Step 2: Get a Job in the Accounting Field (4th year)

Step 3: Get a Masters’s (5th-7th year)

Step 4: Obtain a CPA or CMA (8th year)

Step 5: Get into Management (9th year)

Step 6: Apply for CFO Positions (10th year)

How will you ever make it to your destination if you don’t know how to get there?

Knowing what steps and how long they will take is essential in achieving your dream life. It is also important to be realistic with yourself. 

Skipping steps and creating an unrealistic timeline can make it harder to achieve your overall goals. 

Skipping steps may give the belief the goal takes less effort than it does. 

Once working towards the goal and discovering missed steps will make it harder than anticipated. Therefore, it is essential to have realistic steps and an outline of how to achieve the goal.

Accelerating the timeline can give the perception of achieving your dream life faster than it takes. 

This can leave you rushing, working harder than needed, and leading to burnout. 

For this reason, it is crucial to create a timeline that is relaxing yet challenging. One that will give you free time to enjoy life while working towards your dream.

Accelerating the time needed to complete the goal or skipping steps may cause the desire to abandon dreams and settle for less due to burnout or taking longer than initially anticipated.

Step 6. Create a 1-Year Timeline

The 1-year plan can be broken down by week or month. 

Doing this allows you to quickly analyze throughout the year if you are on track, ahead, or behind the goal. 

If you are on track, that’s great; keep going. 

If you are behind, that’s OK, don’t give up; just readjust the timeline. 

If ahead, that’s awesome! Add more goals to the list of what you want to achieve this year. 

Readjusting your goals throughout the year accordingly to the progress made. 

For those whose big dreams will take a 5-10-15 Year Plan to complete:

Reinventing yourself likely won’t be an overnight process and may take years, depending on what aspect of your life you want to change and how challenging it is to alter. 

Therefore, you can plan 5-10-15 years out or even further (such as 20/25/30 years) if desired. 

Break Down Big Goals and Focus on One Year at a Time

With a long-term strategy, only outline the procedure for 5-10-15 years and focus on a detailed 1-year plan. 

It’s good to start concentrating on what to complete within the first year since focusing on a 5-10-15 years plan is overwhelming.

After the 1st year is complete, break down the next year and continue for the next 5-10-15 years or until the goal is complete.

Therefore, breaking the 5-10-15 plan into yearly goals and focusing on one year at a time. Focusing on one year at a time will make achieving the goal easier.

Step 7. Changing Habits for a Better Self

Working towards goals and having discipline to complete your task allows you to level up your life in the next year. Having better habits and working towards them is another way of how to reinvent yourself.

This is an important step. It is imperative to step back and analyze your life to improve yourself. 

Determine the areas that need to change to become the best version of yourself and obtain the life you want.

Working towards a better life means transforming ourselves into something more significant. 

After all, how can we move forward without altering a single aspect of our life? 

Changing habits, traits, or how we speak or dress may be essential to evolve.

An example. Henry thrives on getting promoted to top management at the office. However, Henry tends to come to work in Hawaiian shirts, curses constantly and is always texting at his desk. 

However, Henry loses the promotion to Bob, who comes in dressed in a suit, can speak elegantly, and is attentive to his job.

Therefore, when analyzing who you want to become and the life you desire, think about the different habits and traits you need to become the best version of yourself. 

Then, reflect upon yourself to determine what characteristics need to change.

From this, what areas need to change to become the best version of yourself? 

Understanding the different habits and traits that need to differ allows one to accept flaws and harmful practices and work on improving them.

Things to think about when analyzing what the best version of self is.

  • What would the best version of myself wear?
  • Would the best version of myself speak like this?
  • What Habits does the best version of myself have?
  • What do I need to do to achieve my life dreams?

Step 8. Work Towards the New You Daily

The only way to achieve your best life is by working towards it every day. 

Putting in the effort, even in small amounts, is a step in the right direction.

If you do the work regularly, then changes will become noticeable to you and those around you. [Read also: Signs You are on Track to Become Successful]

Step 9. Reassess Progress Often

If looking for ways to get ahead and promoted, then practice being a sophisticated lady. Another way to get ahead is by doing more work than required. Furthermore, reassess progress often is another way of how to reinvent yourself.

Dreaming is one thing, but working towards your goals is another. 

Throughout the journey, doubt and discouragement will fill your mind. 

Having these feelings is normal. Therefore, making it is essential to reassess progress already made regularly.

Thinking about where you started, and the progress made throughout the journey will allow you to see how far you’ve come. 

Being able to look back and see the progress made will help with encouragement and motivation along the journey.

Step by step guide on how to reinvent yourself.

In conclusion, learning how to reinvent yourself and following through is a big undertaking, but it is worth it to achieve the life you dream of.

However, we have a step-by-step guide that helps to make reinventing yourself easier. 

It’s about visualizing the life you want, determining the person you want to become, creating a vision board, create a 1-year timeline, change your habits for a better self.

Remember to reassess progress often and celebrate the small wins along the way. 

With dedication and effort, you can achieve your dream life and become the best version of yourself. [Read also: Signs You are Rocking Adulthood]

Full List of Step by Step Guide on How To Reinvent Yourself

  1. Visualize the Life You Want 
  2. Determine the Person You Want to Be
  3. Create a Vision Board
  4. Determine the Steps to Dream Life
  5. Create a 1-Year Timeline 
  6. Changing Habits for a Better Self
  7. Work Towards the New You Daily 
  8. Reassess Progress Often 

Thank you for taking the time to explore our article! We genuinely hope it serves as a source of inspiration for your journey of self-reinvention.

We believe that everyone has the potential to grow and transform for the better. If you have a personal story about a time when you reinvented yourself and the positive impact it had on your life, we would love to hear from you.

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Sara Elizabeth

About Author, Sara Elizabeth
Writer, Amora V Lifestyle
Co-Owner of Amora V Boutique

Sara is a writer for Amora V Lifestyle and is Co-Owner of Amora V Boutique. Sara previously worked as a Marketing Manager and has her Master’s from Lindenwood University.

Sara studies everything of interest, from psychology, recipes, finances, mental health, and travel, thriving to find happiness and to live a good life.

When not learning, Sara loves all things outdoors, food, and hanging around great company. Furthermore, Sara loves spending time with family, who she is blessed to have in her life.

Note from the author: Through my articles, I hope to bring you joy and peace and that you enjoy it!

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